Intellectual Property
Presentations from the Annual Conference of the European Network of Technology Transfer Office Managers (ASTP-ATTP), Berlin, May 2012
- Outsourcing TTO activities by John Wulf Peterson, PDF файл
- Negotiatiaon planning cheklist by Robert Marshall, PDF файл
- The classic 25% rule by Robert Goldscheider, PDF файл
Presentations from the Annual Conference of the European Network of Technology Transfer Office Managers (ASTP-ATTP), Stockholm, May 2011
- To patent or not to patent, PDF файл
- How to create an atmosphere for innovatiuon, PDF файл
- Valuation and negotioation, PDF файл
- Presentation of a training conducted by WIPO and CERN in Koprivshtitsa, May 2012, PDF файл
- The Patent Office of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Dissemination of Intellectual Property Knowledge among Universities in Bulgaria, PPT файл
- Protection of intellectual property in technology transfer, PPT файл
- The experience of UNWE in disseminating knowledge about intellectual property, PPT файл
Useful documents
- Preliminary information form to the Technology Investment Fund, DOC
- Handbook for conducting intellectual property training, PDF
- Commission Recommendation on Intellectual Property Management in Knowledge Transfer Activities and Code of Good Practice for Universities and Other Public Research Organizations, DOC
- Model for assessment, protection and management of intellectual property in technology transfer - practical steps, DOC
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology, SOFTWARE CODE DISCLOSURE, PDF
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MATERIAL TRANSFER, PDF
Methodical materials
Methodical materials provided by the Technology Transfer Office:
- Analysis and evaluation of technological developments;
- Technological audit of enterprises;
- Forms of technology transfer;
- Intellectual property issues;
- Sources of project financing;
- Creating new companies and preparing a business plan;
- Commercialization of scientific results.
Примерна анкетна карта за технологичен анализ/одит, PDF файл