Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" was founded in 1888. Over its 120 years of history the first Bulgarian University has proved to be a national educational, research and cultural centre. Nowadays, it has 16 faculties, 1600 lecturers, about 1000 post-graduate students and over 25 thousand students.
The Scientific Research Centre (NIS) is the department responsible for administration and support of the research and project activities on a contract basis.
Annually, NIS administrates over 300 project contracts with a total value of about 10 Mio BGN. Projects are funded on a contract basis by the National Research Fund (60%), the EC Programmes (30%), and by the industry. Over 500 researchers, mainly from the academic staff of Sofia University and 93 specialists from NIS take part in these activities.
At present, the Scientific and Research Center is member of the Association of European Science & Technology Transfer Professionals and of the CERN TTOs Network.